You know, we are all just practicing our lives everyday. No one knows what we’re really doing here. Experience is key. Presence is key. Sharing is communal and helpful for everyone involved.

What has struck me deeply lately (with the worldwide virus and subsequent happenings) is how very important being well-rested is. Those that are well rested experience a confident self and an energy for doing what you think.

I experienced critical exhaustion over the past 3 ish years. Have a second child in your 40s…it’s ridiculously draining. I was also determined to continue performing jazz and booking jazz and running a skincare company and teaching. Then, add on top of that marital issues. A recipe for deep exhaustion. I was tired in my bones which made it almost impossible to feel energy to do anything but function as a mother while being mentally taxed with my relationship. When I am tired, mental clarity is muddy. I was carried away in my emotional tornados. I’d go out with friends and find that I could hardly be myself or add to a conversation. I felt I was constricted on all levels.

Now, 3 ish years later, I am experiencing good sleeps and less mental blah blah blah or obsessive thoughts. And suddenly, I am beginning to feel like myself again. Amazing how much I let myself drain under strain and stress.

Some might say, oh it’s because of your circumstances. Yes it has to do with it. But truly, I made choices on a daily basis that drained me. The situation sucked. But I made it suck even more because of how I reacted.

It’s the “HOW” that we can change. I always mention at the beginning of yoga classes to set an intention for the practice. It’s a theme or the “how” of your attitude towards everything. For example, if you choose love as the intention, then every breath, every pose, every moment is with love.

I highly recommend tuning into yourself and really making efforts to rest instead of dilly dally do all of the time. We are not machines. We are human animals and part of nature.

During this time of standing still in life, take advantage of this vantage point to look inside. You’d be amazed what you can see and feel. Napping is underrated! Nap. Try bedtime before or by 11pm. Eat and sleep more regularly. Allow yourself to relax. It’s amazing how energized you feel (after you’ve rested enough to make a dent in transforming that exhausting state of being).

Stable body, stable mind. That’s what I am doing these days. And it is so much more joy filled. Thanks for tuning in. Ease-filled breaths…ohm
